We are so proud of what Linda has done for / with Rosalia. If only you could have met her in January when Linda and I first met her (Love at first sight). And to see her now, it is incredible how she has developed. In retrospect, it's comforting to know that we made the right decision (Linda taking a leave of absence from work, moving to Guatemala to care for Rosalia)......Thank you Linda, I Love You!!!
- A new found appreciation for single parents.......REALLY
- There is now Purpose in everything I do!! (every daily task has meaning)
- A brand new meaning of why I go to work each day
- An appreciation for the special "Daddy Time" given to Joshua and I
- The power of Prayer
- The value of family and friends (Thanks Wurtz's for all of your help)
- A new sense of self worth
- A greater sense of Purpose (it only took 40+ years to better understand why I am here)
- The power of Technology (Joshua and Dad soo look forward to our daily web cam call from Mommy and Rosalia)
Attached are a few pictures of Joshua and Daddy's "Special Time" this year..........
Joshua and Romeo bonding
Joshua and Daddy's Saturday routine included a trip to the park to ride pony's
Look how much help I am in the garden
Just hanging out in the back yard
Fun at the Beach (look - Mom, Dad, Joshua & Rosalia)
More fun at the Beach
The Zoo became a favorite
4th of July with "Grandma and Papa"
My first Campout with Cousins (in backyard)
More fun with my Cousins
Fun at the Ballpark with my friend Christopher
No day is complete for a 3yr old w/o a good bath
Happy Birthday Joshua!!
Yes you are right that is Linda on the computer in the background.....isn't technology great. Linda was able to join the party via the computer.
Thanks for organizing my Birthday Party cousin Mel
Fun at Day Care (School) isn't it great to be 3!!
More fun at School
Field Trip to the County Fair...Thanks, Janie (Joshua's Teacher)
ok...that is all just...adorable beyond words..you guys are all just too awesome!!
Although I love reading new posts from Linda, it is great seeing a post from Tony. I'm so glad Daddy and Joshua have survived mommy's absence. I was fortunate enough to have met Rosalia in January. She is adorable beyond words and I would kill to have eyelashes like hers. Although I haven't been able to see her live and in person since she has been with Linda full time, I can tell from the pictures that the difference between the baby girl I saw in January and the baby girl I see in photos is remarkable. What a difference! Now, in just a few short weeks you'll be together forever as a family of 4. I'm so very happy for you and hope that our paths will one day cross again state side.
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