Monday, April 7, 2008

Just another day in paradise

Good morning all. The weekend was fairly uneventful. I did get to watch Kansas play Saturday night with a Spanish announcer. Way to go Hawks!! I bet it is exciting in Lawrence today. Can't wait till tonight. We also went to church on Sunday at the cathedral. It was unique and universal although didn't get much out of the sermon!

Rosalia is staying healthy and getting stronger. We have a neat terrace above the apartment and can go up to drink a bottle or watch the sunset.


Anonymous said...

ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK GO KU!! We did it Lindy, can ya believe it? :-D

Pam Thayer said...

Congratulations Kansas fans! It has been all over the news all morning. Did you go to school there Linda?
The picture of Rosalia is adorable and your terrace looks heavenly!
You should have someone take a picture of you and Rosalia together--does she look like you??
Has your roommate left yet?
What is the time difference between where you are and USA Central time?
Do you have an address where you can receive things?
We had our first night of couples small group at our house last night. More people praying to Bring Rosalia home!
Have a great day.
Rosalia looks so happy!
Cloudy and cool in Wisonsin today. Jake's first tennis meet of the season (if it doesn't rain).

Sara said...

Hi Linda & Rosalia-

WOW... I cannot believe how BEAUTIFUL Rosalia is! She melts my heart every time I see her picture...and those eyelashes!! Hope you are doing well and enjoying the warm sunshine where you are. I don't think we will be having spring here in Minnesota (it has snowed the last two days, ugh) but I have been enjoying warmer weather elsewhere during my travels.

Last weekend I visited Nan, Tim and Dill (Dill is amazing...what a chatter box and FUNNY!)and we were brainstorming ideas about what we all might want/need during an extended stay in Guatemala. It was very funny, so I thought I would share (I hope Nan and Tim don't mind) ...Nan thought nice lotions or soft cozy blankies, I said 1000-thread count sheets and central air and Tim said he would want to just go home! Obviously the word "need" means something different to us all :)

Gram sent an e-mail today that said Tony and Joshua are going to visit next month. I bet you miss them both dearly! Enjoy the time you have together and my prayers are for you all to be home, safe and sound, together as a family very SOON.

Take care and let us know if there is an address where we can send you both some "treats" to make your time there more comfortable!

All my Love-