In the market -yum-yum!
Where is KANSAS??
Hey.. there's somebody else in my bathtub!
Some authentic Guatemalan cuisine complete with Gallo cerveza!!
Relaxing after playing some baseball.
"Hill of the Cross" with Antigua below.
(Yes we walked up there!)
Says "don't urinate here"
Mom must have been reading something
Rosalia... "let me show YOU big brother."
We had such a good time together... I had to go in mourning after they left. Even Rosalia was fussier the next day. It has been a busy week though... I am looking for another place to live since it is just Rosalia and I now. (no roomate and no help with the rent)
Wednesday we went back into the city to see the doctor for Rosalia's 1 year check-up. She is doing really well although she is still only about 5% on the growth charts. (He said she is just small-surprise!)
For the rest of her developmental skills she has caught up to where she should be -YEAH! Dad was here for some major crawling and she is making Mom keep a closer eye on her since she is into everything. Worst part was 2 vaccination shots, but they were over quick.
As for progress with our case.... well, that is a longgggg story and will need another post. PGN still has not released any files since the end of April, but we are hearing it should be within a week. (Again, you don't want to hold your breath.) They are still interviewing the birthmothers and most likely will for all the rest of the cases left to be completed...around 2000. I will try and post more about the process.
Happy Memorial Day weekend.... wow the start of summer and in Guatemala it is their "winter" season. That means..RAIN. We have had some every afternoon/night this last week. Let's pray that Rosalia can see this 4th of July in the good old USA!!